function ignioerun(ig_n,ig_day){ ighs = new Array(36) ighs[0] = 'Aries, February 22\n
This day should be extremely successful, if you would manage not to miss the right moment. It is necessary to get rid of an idea such as " I will fail " or " the miracles are impossible ". The miracles are possible!
\n'; ighs[1] = 'Taurus, February 22\nAsk yourself do you really need something, what you so desperately try to achieve. You will certainly achieve it, but then achieved it may seem to you not so attractive.
\n'; ighs[2] = 'Gemini, February 22\nChange nothing today, the price which it is necessary to pay for these changes, will appear higher than need for them.
\n'; ighs[3] = 'Cancer, February 22\nStay in the kitchen for some time today and listen to family gossips. You will learn a lot of new and interesting, moreover your attention to family businesses will be estimated.
\n'; ighs[4] = 'Leo, February 22\nThose whom you love, today can become absolutely intolerable. You, probably, would not forgive similar escapades to anybody other, but in this case you wouldn\'t have an even opportunity to take offence as much as you like.
\n'; ighs[5] = 'Virgo, February 22\nThe mutual relations with the people close to you now are warm, but they also could become hot and begin to blow up. Such a quality as objectivity wouldn\'t be one of yours today. Do not allow excessive suspiciousness to spoil your life.
\n'; ighs[6] = 'Libra, February 22\nTake care of drawing up of code of rules concerning to household chores. It is desirable to do it black and white, for there will be something, what will help you to prove your case.
\n'; ighs[7] = 'Scorpio, February 22\nHaving noticed a pair of pink crocodiles don\'t be frightened for your health. You simply will get a gift to see something that is not given to see to other people. Wait a bit and it will be over.
\n'; ighs[8] = 'Sagittarius, February 22\nToday is not the right day to care of feelings of environmental. Let somebody another do it. You can restore your ability to influence events.
\n'; ighs[9] = 'Capricorn, February 22\nThere is nothing worse than unavoidable approaching of termination date of work. Do not give haste to spoil that masterpiece, which risks to turn out as a result of your efforts.
\n'; ighs[10] = 'Aquarius, February 22\nThis day will be marked by significance, which will be shown by any your action. Someone can suspect you of desire to attach to your acts undeserved importance, therefore it will be better to avoid scoffers, for you will hardly manage to be restrained.
\n'; ighs[11] = 'Pisces, February 22\nYou are inclined to complicate a situation and do it brilliantly. Is it really necessary to you?
\n'; ighs[12] = 'Aries, February 23\nToday you should work very much, for there are too many things being necessary for making immediately. To plan something entertaining is possible, but useless.
\n'; ighs[13] = 'Taurus, February 23\nYour emotions today will be your enemies. Do not allow them to take hold of yourself. You will have to tell to yourself "be calm" and to breathe deeply.
\n'; ighs[14] = 'Gemini, February 23\nTry to hold your emotions in leash. Today they will be able to prevent you to live quietly, for they will be violent as never before.
\n'; ighs[15] = 'Cancer, February 23\nSince you suffer from lack of the information, use the ability to make the assumptions more actively. Today you\'d better to be cautions.
\n'; ighs[16] = 'Leo, February 23\nToday you will be put before the fact, that you are not free as a wind, though it seemed to you, probably, so. Try to be consoled even in consciousness of your own necessity.
\n'; ighs[17] = 'Virgo, February 23\nToday is not the most successful day for making plans, especially far-reaching ones. They will hardly be justified and the day will occur lost.
\n'; ighs[18] = 'Libra, February 23\nIt is not necessary to spend a lot of energy to make an impression on your associates today. You will make it without any difficulty.
\n'; ighs[19] = 'Scorpio, February 23\nBe suspicious today. It isn\'t too difficult to deceive you and now is such a day, when it quite can take place.
\n'; ighs[20] = 'Sagittarius, February 23\nToday you will hardly be able to work together with somebody. Probably, you would argue even with yourself. Try not to fight.
\n'; ighs[21] = 'Capricorn, February 23\nToday you can appear a little bit too vindictive. It is necessary to take into account that it fray firstly your own nerves.
\n'; ighs[22] = 'Aquarius, February 23\nNow you should be ready to immediate actions. You will have to accept the responsible decisions.
\n'; ighs[23] = 'Pisces, February 23\nToday it will be useful for you to complain aloud, even if the hearer will appear to be a mirror. You faster will understand how to solve the problem formulating it in the terms of the standard language, rather than experiencing on a level of obscure emotions.
\n'; ighs[24] = 'Aries, February 24\nIf you were so careless to gossip about someone recently, today it is better to stay at home and avoid meeting with this man. He can raise his claims to you.
\n'; ighs[25] = 'Taurus, February 24\nYou will be very vigorous, and therefore constantly will be the volunteer today. But don\'t content yourself with one business. You are capable for greater.
\n'; ighs[26] = 'Gemini, February 24\nToday is your turn to dance on someone\'s nerves. Whether you will take advantage of an opportunity or not - it is your own business.
\n'; ighs[27] = 'Cancer, February 24\nToday you will have a possibility to choose. But you will have to choose between "poorly" and " even worse ". However, it isn\'t a reason for disorder, you will know at least, with what you will have to confront.
\n'; ighs[28] = 'Leo, February 24\nYou tend to follow in all directions at once and are sincerely surprised with that you don\'t manage to do it. It is better to sacrifice something, determine the priorities.
\n'; ighs[29] = 'Virgo, February 24\nIt seems to you that you could remove the frameworks of legal, but it isn\'t so. They can only close around you by even more dense ring. Today it is better not to go on risk, even minimal one.
\n'; ighs[30] = 'Libra, February 24\nToday you will be sure in own forces as never before. It is not necessary to try to limit yourself, being afraid, that your self-confidence is unwarranted. By no means, you can permit yourself very much.
\n'; ighs[31] = 'Scorpio, February 24\nThe today can seem to your active nature desperately boring. Don\'t begin moaning or, what is worse, complaining of malicious destiny. Think whether it is better to sit quietly, than to run as from one trouble to another.
\n'; ighs[32] = 'Sagittarius, February 24\nToday you, probably, would have to meet such a nasty thing as gossips. Alas, if wish to find out, what is the matter in reality, you would have to spend a lot of time and energy.
\n'; ighs[33] = 'Capricorn, February 24\nToday you will show an ideal combination of the optimist with realist. A rather strange hybrid, but, undoubtedly, nice.
\n'; ighs[34] = 'Aquarius, February 24\nToday you are expected by so intense day that there would be nor time to smoke - there would be no time to take breath. Be cautious with the new people, whom you would meet now - they can become a source of troubles.
\n'; ighs[35] = 'Pisces, February 24\nThe last thing, you will think about today, will be the questions of behavior. However it is better to be reasonable - the decencies should not obstruct, but their complete ignoring could result in superfluous problems.
\n'; for (ighsj=0;ighsj<36;ighsj++) {ighs[ighsj]=ighs[ighsj].replace(/<.*?>/g,"");} ig_nn = ig_day * 12 + ig_n; ignioehscopetext = ighs[ig_nn]; document.ignioehscope.ignioetext.value=ignioehscopetext; } ignioerun( 0,1 );