function ignioerun(ig_n,ig_day){ ighs = new Array(36) ighs[0] = 'Aries, December 12\n
Today the size of your ambitions wouldn\'t allow you to set yourself a little purpose. The object of your dreams now would be as a minimum hard-hitting, and most likely it would be simply unreal.
\n'; ighs[1] = 'Taurus, December 12\nToday the dense fog surrounding you the last time begins quietly to disperse. The opening field of action will astound you by its size. It is necessary to turn up your sleeves and to start plough it up actively.
\n'; ighs[2] = 'Gemini, December 12\nToday you can act in a role of the great temper with success. It is unimportant what, actually, becomes a subject of your interest, - you will achieve the desirable.
\n'; ighs[3] = 'Cancer, December 12\nThis day will give you a lot of opportunities on an investment of your own money in business. But be vigilant, you may fall a prey to swindle.
\n'; ighs[4] = 'Leo, December 12\nTry today something new, it doesn\'t matter in what area, it is even possible in all at once. It must result.
\n'; ighs[5] = 'Virgo, December 12\nToday an amusing mistake can happen - you will be taken for someone another. So it is not necessary to be perplexed, if the man, completely unfamiliar to you, would suddenly tap you on the shoulder and inquire about the health of your favorite dachshund.
\n'; ighs[6] = 'Libra, December 12\nToday you will be charged by much more amount of energy than you would need. Try not to use it injurious to your own organism.
\n'; ighs[7] = 'Scorpio, December 12\nThe indecision, not typical for you, will rescue you from a silly mistake. However it is not necessary to lose grasp, only because the vote of common sense warns you of active actions. Simply it is not necessary to hasten.
\n'; ighs[8] = 'Sagittarius, December 12\nThe position of stars is those that any your attempts to keep clearness of mind and rationality of thinking will be unsuccessful. Postpone businesses requiring accuracy in accounts and engage in something, for what the mad flight of imagination is necessary.
\n'; ighs[9] = 'Capricorn, December 12\nToday the most successful and even pleasant the contacts with Leo, Gemini and Aquarius will be. Try to avoid dealing with the representatives of other zodiacs - it will be useless and unpleasant.
\n'; ighs[10] = 'Aquarius, December 12\nYou have to do only one step to achieve your purpose. Try to make it maximum accurately, so, as it wouldn\'t be necessary to come back.
\n'; ighs[11] = 'Pisces, December 12\nToday the habitual rhythm of your life will be broken by intrusion of something insignificant. Try to be maximum quiet, this event won\'t have other consequences besides spoiling of your mood.
\n'; ighs[12] = 'Aries, December 13\nIt seems to you that the people around you are going to give a hostile reception to any your undertaking. Well, so do not ask their opinion. Let them admire the result.
\n'; ighs[13] = 'Taurus, December 13\nThe only thing that can prevent you to achieve success today is your unwillingness to achieve. You are inclined to exaggerate difficulties facing to you.
\n'; ighs[14] = 'Gemini, December 13\nToday you should engage in searches. Probably, you won\'t know at all, what exactly to search for, and will be compelled to continue this employment so long as, having found something you wouldn\'t understand that it is the required thing.
\n'; ighs[15] = 'Cancer, December 13\nYou, probably, depend on others more than you think. It is necessary to recognize this a little bit depressing fact and to behave accordingly.
\n'; ighs[16] = 'Leo, December 13\nYou are inclined to look for the justification to yourself, though nobody accuse you. Be cautious today, for you can take a great interest in this searches.
\n'; ighs[17] = 'Virgo, December 13\nIt doesn\'t cost to be over-modest. Let environmental to incense for you and fife in fanfares in honor of you. Let them to have a good time, if they want. Especially because it will be pleasant for you.
\n'; ighs[18] = 'Libra, December 13\nToday you would have to speak much, consoling someone or putting him on the right path. There is a danger that you would be carried away.
\n'; ighs[19] = 'Scorpio, December 13\nToday you can unintentionally get a reputation of the large expert on a question, which you don\'t understand well enough. You may even earn a little money, giving advice. Certainly, if your advice would be good.
\n'; ighs[20] = 'Sagittarius, December 13\nToday you won\'t submit to the laws of a nature - it will submit to yours. Create something good, please.
\n'; ighs[21] = 'Capricorn, December 13\nThe friends, neighbors and relatives - all of them will be surprised today. You will refuse habitual image, because you\'re tired to carry a smile on your face constantly. You will be yourself. By the way, you won\'t suffer from it. You will only become more attractive.
\n'; ighs[22] = 'Aquarius, December 13\nToday you would have no problem with the assistance, even of those people, whose help you could hardly expect. Use an opportunity, such a thing doesn\'t happen everyday.
\n'; ighs[23] = 'Pisces, December 13\nToday the union, favorable to you, can be disorganized because of any triviality. Be circumspect, if you disagree with your partner on any question, this circumstance would be better to hide.
\n'; ighs[24] = 'Aries, December 14\nSomething that you considered as the especially confidential information in actual fact would turn out an open secret. Do not make an ass of yourself, dealing it as the large secret.
\n'; ighs[25] = 'Taurus, December 14\nToday you, probably, will be disturbed by some event, which has taken place for rather long time. It is not worth to give to feeling too much time. It is enough to take the appropriate lesson - and you can forget it all with clear conscience.
\n'; ighs[26] = 'Gemini, December 14\nThis day is intended by stars only for sweetening yourself. Make something for the sake of your own pleasure.
\n'; ighs[27] = 'Cancer, December 14\nToday you would be extremely active - both in the decision of problems, and in creation of the conflicts. If cannot concentrate wholly on problems, try even to keep reasonable balance between them and conflicts.
\n'; ighs[28] = 'Leo, December 14\nToday you will have not a slightest reason for boredom or any other kind of bad mood. Not for everything would be so wonderful, you simply will have no time for this.
\n'; ighs[29] = 'Virgo, December 14\nToday you, probably, will spend out of the company, however won\'t feel yourself lonely. This day is good for slow meditations about a nature of all being and other pleasant occupations.
\n'; ighs[30] = 'Libra, December 14\nToday somebody may catch you on a hook, having forced to give the obligation, which in the compos mentis state will seem to you the nonsense. It is not necessary to be too compliant, it is better to earn the reputation of impolite and stubborn person.
\n'; ighs[31] = 'Scorpio, December 14\nToday it is better to you to use wait-and-see attitude. It is not necessary to hurry up, even more it is not necessary to be engaged in a laying of corner stones of something significant. The situation will change soon.
\n'; ighs[32] = 'Sagittarius, December 14\nProbably, you should be a little bit softer. You are inclined to lay down too high demands both to yourselves and to another. The people do not like it.
\n'; ighs[33] = 'Capricorn, December 14\nToday you would be equal to the brilliant fraud and other actions, not absolutely ethical, but causing involuntary respect by their boldness and grace.
\n'; ighs[34] = 'Aquarius, December 14\nEverything, that will happen today, it is necessary to consider attentively and to interpret carefully, for it will have important value in the near future.
\n'; ighs[35] = 'Pisces, December 14\nMake a pause, have a rest, drink coffee in the pleasant company. The probability is great that the next days will be rather intense, so prepare.
\n'; for (ighsj=0;ighsj<36;ighsj++) {ighs[ighsj]=ighs[ighsj].replace(/<.*?>/g,"");} ig_nn = ig_day * 12 + ig_n; ignioehscopetext = ighs[ig_nn]; document.ignioehscope.ignioetext.value=ignioehscopetext; } ignioerun( 0,1 );